Polysales News | Specialists in vinyl flooring & protection

2021. The year that was.

Written by Tandy Coleman | 2021/12/10 12:35 PM

According to astrologists, 2021 was going to be hopeful, reviving, positive and healing. Wasn't it just, along with every antonym you could throw alongside that.  An absolute contradiction at times.

2020 saw us adapt and evolve more than we ever thought possible and 2021 paid 2020 its dues.  Here we are at the end of the year, with a healthy business and strong family;  a little wiser albeit with a few battle scars that we are proud to bear.

Looking back, there were so many wins.  Losses.  And lessons learnt.

New hybrid work environments evolved out of necessity and found us so much more productive, efficient and happy, appreciating the luxury of a work/home life balance.

As frustrating as it was having to implement split team schedules for our warehouse team, it was humbling to see everyone step up and manage extra work loads without complaint.

The COVID-19 Delta variant left us reeling with too many of our team physically and mentally incapacitated.  Losing one of our own took a huge toll on us and yet through the loss and grief, we realised how much we had to be grateful for. 

Business was relentlessly tough but in the face of adversity, we did what needed to be done, gave more of ourselves and expected more of others.  Our successes were testament to that and we celebrated each and every one of them.  Restrictions and curfews came and went and yet we made incredible new connections, gave back to communities who couldn't help themselves, trained far and wide and were fortunate to be able to employ, upskill and promote within our team.

Farewell 2021.  You have been good to us.

We could not have done this without our team, our partners, network and our suppliers.  Thank you to each and every one of you for showing up and making a difference.

We wish you well this holiday season.  Enjoy the moment and be sure to do more of what matters and make it count.

Best wishes

Tandy & the Polyflor team.