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2022. Invaluable lessons learnt.

Written by Tandy Coleman | 2022/12/13 4:00 AM

After a year filled with unprecedented challenges, we hoped that lessons learned from 2021 would prepare everyone for the highs and lows of 2022.  And didn't it just.

Astrologists predicted that 2022 would be a bumpy ride as Saturn ran rings around the world.  They said that there would be two distinct periods in 2022;  a favourable season between April and July, followed by months of chaos,  albeit it mild compared to 2020 and 2021.  They said it would be a year of immense knowledge and information.  It would get us moving out of our illusions and generate increased awareness.

As I reflect on this, I am awed by how the universe always has a plan for us.  

Finding ourselves in a massive transition phase this year, with change being both planned and forced, we continually had to remind ourselves that change is inevitable and from change comes growth.  We could stay true to our core, learn, evolve and tackle adversity with courage, a good heart and wise mind.  We could choose to embrace it, choose our response, and focus on the opportunities it all presented.  And wow, the opportunities are real.

Business was still relentlessly tough but again, our team rallied together to deliver our promise.  They stepped in without hesitation and worked long hours, under much pressure, always ready to take on more.  We are immensely grateful for our solid foundation of strong values and good business choices which never wavered throughout this year of turbulence and change.

The most difficult in all this was saying goodbye to members of our team who were like family.  As happy as we were for some who were choosing new and exciting paths, it is always a little disconcerting to realise that people you had depended on could no longer be there for you.  That you had no idea if you could fill their shoes or where to start. And that was a journey all on its own.  We spent more time in interviews and poring over job applications than ever before in the history of Polyflor.  And we struck gold.  I am so positive about the new year and from what I hear in the industry, the years after that bode even better.  How exciting to be going into a new chapter, knowing that we have the best talent in the business;  the most passionate and remarkable individuals.

We captured a summary of our key learnings this year in an email recently, and I would like to share them again with you , as I am sure you can also relate:

Change is necessary.  From change, comes critical learning, courage and growth.

Solid foundations are powerful.  Facing challenging times is so much easier when blessed with a unwavering core, built on a heritage of strong values and good business choices.

There is strength in teams.  Alone we can do a little but together we can do so much.

Relationships are everything.  Honest, real connections can overcome any hurdle.

Practise gratitude. Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.

Farewell 2022.  You were real.

Thank you to you for the part you played in our journey and we hope we helped you on yours.  We wish you a holiday season filled with joy and the time to enjoy what matters most.

Best wishes

Tandy & the Polyflor team.