Polysales News | Specialists in vinyl flooring & protection

Balancing economic stimulus with reality and survival

Written by Tandy Coleman | 2020/09/01 2:44 PM

As a proudly South African company, Polyflor’s Chief Executive Officer, Tandy Coleman says, now more than ever, balancing the support of local companies with imported products will be essential for our country’s survival during these unprecedented times. Below is her take on the complexities of their business.

Tandy remarks, “Our country is in the throes of experiencing one of the toughest economic climates in our history.  With unemployment figures at a staggering high, debt at dangerous levels and economic activity at an all-time low, we are officially in a state of crisis.”

We, as proud South Africans, inherently have a deep-seated love for our country and now is the time to rally together, more than ever before. We all need to do what we can to contribute to our economy and get our country back to its rightful place in the global economy.

As an importer of vinyl products, we often come up against the requirement for a locally produced product. This is a complex issue with a legacy that stems back to the 1960s when all local vinyl producing companies were bought out by one company and a 20-year restraint of trade was instituted. Technology to produce vinyl flooring has vastly progressed since then and the investment in a modern plant and equipment would be exorbitant. This makes it completely uneconomical to set up a local plant to service the South African market, especially
given the size of the local industry and the demand.

Most international vinyl manufacturers thus have one or two central manufacturing plants to service the demands of the entire global market. This affords South Africans a wonderful range of choice and options which is far superior to that which is locally produced.

Sustainability is also always a consideration and most often, the global investment in R&D and implementing sustainability best practice at a central plant is huge. Standards are unparalleled and we are assured of quality product that far exceeds all local standards. As a truly South African company, with a heritage in flooring that dates back to the 1900s, there is no question as to where our loyalty lies. We employ over 40 South Africans and invest in our team, ensuring they are taken care of and are honourable South African citizens. We believe in upskilling the community and industry and commit time, budget and resources to doing this.

We pay our taxes, invest locally and are committed to serving the South Africa economy. We also give back and have established long and rewarding partnerships with various CSR initiatives.

“I completely understand the drive towards buying local, yet I would urge you to understand that it is simply not always viable or even possible. We have an obligation to our country and its people to make wise, practical choices that make sense. As Poly Sales Africa (Pty) Ltd t/a Polyflor South Africa, a South African Company distributing an imported flooring product from the UK, we pledge our commitment to shaping a better future for our country, South Africa, “she concludes.

“I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define the face of our native land.” -- Thabo Mbeki

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