Polysales News | Specialists in vinyl flooring & protection

The total cost of floor ownership [eBook]

Written by Tandy Coleman | 2017/04/18 6:15 PM

The well-known Afrikaans saying “goedkoop is duur koop” has proven to be true time and again. At Polyflor we know that good quality products with a proven track record will generally give you superior functionality and better value for money.

Whilst many project managers are tempted to look for short cuts like installing cheap and inferior quality flooring products in order to cut their CAPEX cost and meet their budget, the long term results and need for more frequent replacements will mostly negate any cost saving per square meter that he or she was able to make in the short term. 

We have created this short eBook to simplify the explanation of these hidden costs and to show the total cost of floor ownership.




Our eBook includes the following:

  • How much does a floor cost?
  • The cost of walk-in dirt
  • Wet or dry cleaning?
  • Reducing costs

 Is entrance matting a valuable investment for your business? Access our calculator to determine whether it would be cost-effective to specify entrance matting in your building.

To find out more about Polyflor or to get a quote from our experts, contact us.