Polysales News | Specialists in vinyl flooring & protection

Understanding your flooring options and risks

Written by Denver Coleman | 2019/12/10 11:07 AM


The flooring industry is an interesting one, with a complex buying channel, countless intricacies and nuances in the specifying, installation and maintenance process, and one where sometimes the product is actually the least of everyone’s concern. You have choices.  Choose well rather than opting for choices that leave you exposed.

Choosing well

1.  Partner with suppliers who are well recognised as specialists in their field.

2.  Ensure their ethics and integrity are unquestionable.

3.  Do a thorough risk assessment.

4.  Consider source, quality, warranties and technical certifications when choosing your product.

5.  Ensure your product choice is suitable for your application.
6.  Use approved contractors who have experience with your type of installation.
7.  Call on your suppliers to train your teams and supervise the installation to ensure you get the                             outcomes you need.
8.  Put together a committed team consisting of stakeholders throughout the channel, who will work                          together for the best outcome.


Choices that leave you exposed

• Partnering with suppliers who are “jacks of all trades” but “masters of none”. Would you rely on your GP    to do your open-heart surgery?
• Buying from a supplier who is just in it for the sale.
Choosing a product only on price. Cheap and nasty imports are rife.
Not interrogating the benefits and features of a product to ensure it is fit for purpose.
• Relying on an inept contractor.
Not ensuring you have a committed team who will work together.


A floor is very often still the most underrated aspect of a project, yet one that is so critically important to the end result of a build. There are massive cost implications should it not be done right and this is why it is so important to go into it “in the know”, build relationships you can trust and align yourself with experts in their field.

Choose wisely and let’s continue to take pride in an industry that is so vital in our built environment. Let us maintain a true sense of professionalism, sustainability and community through integrity, reciprocity, dignity and harmony.

For more advice from our vinyl flooring specialists, why not download our latest eBook, Flooring contractor's guide: Developing and growing your business with vinyl flooring.

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